Empowering climate action,
accelerating impact

Navigating the Voluntary Carbon Market Together

Let's Talk

As a carbon project developer you are the driving force behind turning climate-focused ideas into actionable projects that help reduce global carbon emissions: We empower you to make this happen.

Person in a maze

Navigate complexity in the carbon market

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demand for meticulous research and adherence to shifting methodologies and regulations? Do you want to find a more efficient way to do a feasibility scan & decrease risk?

Walking lady looking over a city

A streamlined solution for carbon project success

Grow your business with the right methodology match, a proper calculation of carbon units and carbon credits, a clear project overview, and stay on top of the evolving carbon market—all in one tool

A person holding a map.

Do you want to define your position in the voluntary carbon market?

Discover everything in our classroom sessions and workshops, or join an introductionary webinar.

A lady with growing plants

Do you want to grow your business as a carbon project developer?

Interested in our tool to help you in turning a project idea easily into carbon units or credits?

Nele and Johanna walking on a path

Our path towards a sustainable futureComplementary strengths for Climate Solutions.

With a shared passion for climate action, we - Johanna Huylenbroeck and Nele Van Beveren - combine our strengths to create meaningful change. While our expertise is diverse, our vision for the future is aligned. Together, we are driven to make an impact, one step at a time.

Read more about us